Camp Rhino at Home Challenge 5

Rhino at Home Challenge Day 5 Find any item in your house and shoulder press it for 30 seconds for max reps! Keep up the amazing work guys!! #wearerhinotough #rhinoathomechallenge5 #camprhino #rhinotough #quarantine #challenge #homeworkout #shoulderpress...

Camp Rhino at Home Challenge 3

DAY 3 : CAMP RHINO AT HOME CHALLENGE* :20 Front Plank with heaviest object you can find in your home on your back! Post a video for proof in the comments below! Or just post a picture of your item(s) and we’ll have to take your word for it ????. You get extra...

Camp Rhino at Home Challenge 1

DAY 1 OF THE CAMP RHINO at home CHALLENGES! Find the heaviest item in your house that you can squat for 20 reps! Mine was just over 9 lbs.. but super cute. Post your video or your score (item) in the comments below! You get extra credit if you post it to your Facebook...
Training our Rhino Family Through Covid-19

Training our Rhino Family Through Covid-19

Don’t worry Rhino Family! We have a plan to help you keep working out no matter what happens <3 Check your email for a special member message. Here are just a few bright spots: You are Rhino Tough! You’ve been working out, eating healthy and preparing...