I watched a member bring in his beloved Mom. He loves her so much and knew it would save her life to get her healthy. I told him, ‘Your Mom is our Mom.’ She started the Rhino 6 Week Challenge, but was afraid to go to the classes. We had her schedule some personal training sessions to ease into the classes. At first, she could barely get up and down. Now, she has been able to attend the classes along with everyone else. I watch my coaches treat her like they would their own Mom and am so proud.
All of us have people we love who are becoming more and more frail as they get older. Some have a lot of weight to lose. We want so bad to help them, but it can feel impossible to ease them into it. (How do we tell someone who brought us into this World what to do?) Exercise doesn’t have to mean going to a gym and getting tortured by a personal trainer or in a class. Exercise can also mean meeting up with a qualified trainer (one of our trainers is a kinesiologist) who just simply tries to help you feel better. I always ask myself ‘What if this was my mom, my dad, my grandpa, or my grandpa? What would I do to help them if they let me?’ I would help them get full range of motion so they can easily get up and down. I would show them how to stretch and practice self-care. I would slowly progress them into fun strength training sessions where they surprise themselves with small, daily successes. We can get strong without ever having to ‘suffer through a grueling workout.’ We can get strong by progressing slow with smart programming. The stronger we get, the less likely we are to get hurt as we get older by stepping wrong off a curb, slipping in the shower, or trying to lift heavy objects.
I want to help your loved ones in any way I can. Your family is my family. You can send them to my 6 Week Challenge nutrition workshop free (a new one is scheduled every couple weeks) and I’ll also be happy to meet with them any time to see how we can help.
Lots of love to you and your family on this Thanksgiving weekend.

<3 Julie
Camp Rhino Owner