On-Going Programming Page
Tomorrow Show will be posted the afternoon before via link on this page
Sneak Peak Graphic and Slide Show for your TV
(Older weeks below)
Warm up:
3 rounds:
10 jump lunges
10 hand release push ups
5 rounds:
30 DB/KB snatch
25 sit-ups
100 double unders
200 single unders/ small hops
Cool down:
5 min walk
Warm up:
800m run
6 rounds:
10 goblet squats
10 squat jacks
10 Bulgarian split squats (L)
10 Bulgarian split squats (R)
20 mountain climbers
Buy out:
100 1 + 1/2 air squat
Cool down:
400m run (slow)
400m walk
Warm up:
:30 seconds Samson lunge
1 min Heel to butt
1 min Knee to
:30 seconds high knees
:30 second butt kickers
5 k run
Every 3 min = 5 burpees
Cool down :
Calf stretch
5min walk
Warm up:
15 Ground to overhead
1 min shoulder press (L)
1 min shoulder press (R)
400 m run
At home Diane:
Single arm KB/DB deadlift (switch half)
Single arm KB/DB push press (switch half)
** 21-15-9 if you have handstand pushups
Cool down:
2 rounds:
3 Jefferson curls
1 min pigeon pose (L)
1 min pigeon pose (R)
Rhino At Home Workout 5
3 rounds
10 Slow squats
10 Bear crawls
10(each) A-T-Y facedown
15 minutes of
20 Single leg glute bridge(ea/s)
30 Squats
40 Russian twist
0-8 second eccentric
5×10 Push ups
Rhino At Home Workout 6
Warm up:
2 rounds:
30 Seconds each:
arm circles
arm circles backwards
shoulder taps
tempo squats
calf raises
12 rounds:
8 ground to overhead
10 object squats
12 swings (ea/s)
Rhino At Home Workout 7
Warm up:
8 rounds
2 Push ups
3 Squats
100m Run
15 second
Dead hang
Farmer hold
400m OH Carry
-25 push ups
-25 air squats
-25 sit-ups
400m Farmer Carry
-25 push ups
-25 air squats
-25 sit-ups
400m Zercher Carry
-25 push ups
-25 air squats
-25 sit-ups
400m Suitcase carry
-25 push ups
-25 air squats
-25 sit-ups
Monday 3/23
20 seconds each
Cat / cow
Bird dog hold
Bird dog hold (other side)
Side plank
Side plank (other side)
Jumping jacks
Push ups (rnd 1 slow, rnd 2 fast, rnd 3 clapping)
Squats (rnd 1 slow, rnd 2 fast, rnd 3 jumping)
Partner Workout
Switch whenever!
1 mile run
800 Jump rope
400 Russian twist
200 step ups
100 burpees
50 BB glute bridge
Tuesday 3/24
Run 400m
Row 500m
AAB .8 mile
10 stations
1. 200-400m sprint
2. 200-400m cooldown
3. Ball over shoulder
4. 10 DB snatch – 5 burpee over DB
5. Farmer carry
6. Situp ball toss
7. Box jump
8. Sledgehammer
10. GAME
Wednesday 3/25
6 rounds
5 Ring row /w scap squeeze
10 Scap push ups
15 Squats
100m run
KB swings
Side to side feet over KB ab compression
DB press
Ring row
DB snatch
Sit up
Wall ball
Thursday 3/26
Start 7 minute clock
200m Jog
200m Run
Repeat until end of 7 minute clock:
10 Samson lunges
10 Inch worms /w cobra stretch
20 Downward dog calf stretches
Workout #1
1 minute stations x3
Jumping pull up
H2H KB swings
Double push up burpee
Box jump
Mountain climber
Workout #2
For Total score
2 min max cal rower
2 min max cal bike
2 min max shuttle run 40’
Rest as needed
Friday 3/27
7 Minutes of Rowling
Try to hit exactly 100m on the rower
Do Push-ups, Squats and Burpees for the difference
60 V-ups
60 Goblet squats
60 Side box step overs
60 Glute bridge marches
60 Sit ups
60 Squats
60 Lunges
60 Side to side hanging knee raise
Saturday 3/28
3 person teams
200m run(each)
150 wall balls
100 jump rope(each)
150 pull ups
.5 mile bike(each)
150 Abmat stiups
250m row(each)
150 DB snatch
25m Tire flip(each)
4 minute run
2 Rounds
:30 Cat cow
:30 Downward dog calf stretch
:30 Samson lunge
:30 arm circles forwards
:30 arm circles backwards
:30 swimming arm circles
:30 Jumping jacks
5×12 superset
Bench row (ea/s)
5×12 superset
Push up
Bench row (ea/s)
Equipment needed:
Jump Rope
Flask of Tenacity
3 rounds
400m run
20 Butt kickers
20 High knees
1 Mile Ruck
6 rounds
100 Jump ropes or 65 Jumping jacks
12 burpees
Rhino At Home Workout 3
Equipment needed:
100 Fire hydrant(L)
100 Fire hydrant(R)
100 Kick back(L)
100 Kick back(R
4 Rounds
10 Weighted squats
30 second Plank
30 second Hollow hold
4 Rounds
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge (ea/s)
30 second Frog Pump Hold
30 second Side Plank (ea/s)
Rhino At Home Workout 4
20 Burpees, start slow and build to fast
10 rounds
10 Mountain climbers
9 Squats
8 Push ups
7 Sit ups
6 Plank pillars
5 V ups
4 Bodybuilders
3 Hip dips
2 Squat hops
1 Candlestick
Monday 3/16
400m Run
500m Row
.8 mile Bike
150 Jump Ropes
2 rounds (light -> heavier)
50m OH walk (L)
50m OH walk (R)
50m Suitcase carry (L)
50m Suitcase carry (R)
10 Inchworms
6 rounds
3 Pull ups
Max push ups
100m Farmer carry
6 rounds
30 Crunches
15 Hammer curls
15 Dips
Tuesday 3/17
Song: Roxanne by The Police
Burpee every time the song says Roxanne
400m Jog
12 Minutes of:
DB snatch (ascending weight)
100m run
10 minute cap
DB Snatch(50% of highest weight earlier)
20 Box jump or Step up
Bodybuilder Burpees
40’ Shuttle Run
Wednesday 3/18
1 minute of each:
Floor press
Sumo squats
Gliding Cossack squats
Single leg toe touch
8 minute EMOM
20 Sec Plank
3 Bench Press (build up)
5 rounds
10 Bench press
30 walking lunge
Repeat until end of class:
10 Deadlifts
10 Pillar planks
5 Single Leg Box Squats (ea/s)
Thursday 3/19
For 8 minutes repeat:
P1 Row or Bike
P2 A-T-Y Face-down on bench (10 ea)
80ft Bear crawl
3 rounds of each triplet, both partners do a round while their partner rests
Round 1: 5 – 10 – 15
Round 2: 10 – 15 – 5
Round 3: 15 – 5 – 10
200m Run together
Leg raise
KB swing
KB goblet squat
Pull up
Push up
Toes to bar
Wall balls
Plate snatch
DB Deadlift
DB Hang clean
DB Curl & Press
Friday 3/20
8 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Leg raises
20 Lunges
100m run / 125m row / 200 jump ropes
3 minute AMRAP stations
2 Times through
5 Burpees
5 Box jumps
400m burden carry
500m row
10 Sledge hammers
5 Jumping lunges
10 Curl to press
10 DB squats
Alternating single arm devils press
Saturday 3/21
1 Mile med ball carry
8 Rounds:
10 Wall balls
1 Rope climb
800m med ball carry
4 Rounds:
10 Wall balls
1 Rope climb
400m med ball carry
2 Rounds:
10 Wall balls
1 Rope climb
Monday 3/9
20 Burpees
Start slow build to fast
Partition however:
1 mile run
2000m Row
800m Sled pull
10 tire flips
10 ball over shoulder
100m Yoke Carry
800 Jump rope
Tuesday 3/10
10 Minutes:
200m jog
5 Scap push ups
5 Scap pull ups
10 Kb swing + goblet squat
10 -> 1 (increase weight every round if possible)
Push up
KB deadlift
Pull up
Goblet squat
Wednesday 3/11
800m Run
Pull heel to butt + calf raise
Pull knee to chest + calf raise
Single leg ground touch
Grapevines (each way)
High knees
10 Minute EMOM
5-15 Cal Bike
10 Minute EMOM
5-15 Cal Row
10 Minute EMOM
5-15 40’ Shuttle Run
Thursday 3/12
2 Rounds
200m Run
2 Pull ups
4 Push ups
6 Squats
8 Crunches
5 Rounds
5 Back Squats
20m Lunge
40m Farmer Carry
5 Rounds
5 Barbell Hip Thrusts
20m Side Squat & Pivot
40m Farmer Carry
Barbell Rollout (ab-wheels)
Bar over burpee
Friday 3/13
3 rounds
80’ Grapevines
80’ Buttkickers
80’ High Knees
80’ Skips
40’ Inch worm
40’ Slow Bear Crawl
100/80 Calories
1 mile run
80 Burpees
800 Jump rope
(10 minute time cap)
Choose again!
100/80 Calories
1 mile run
80 Burpees
800 Jump rope
(10 minute time cap)
Last one, I promise!
100/80 Calories
1 mile run
80 Burpees
800 Jump rope
(10 minute time cap)
Saturday 3/14
8 minutes, building up to workout weight
10 DB strict press
10 KB swing
200m run
One minute stations
Jumping pull up
Push ups
DB strict press
KB swing
1 minute rest
As many Sit-Ups as you can in 3 Minutes
Monday 3/2
3 rounds
400m run
Butt kickers
High knees
400m run every 4 minutes for 8 rounds
Between runs:
Mountain climbers
Tuesday 3/3
400m Run
500m Row
.8 mile Bike
150 Jump Ropes
8×8 :30 on :30 off
DB bench press
BB curls
DB strict press
Supinated ring row
50m Farmer Carry (Ascending Weight)
250m Row or 80 Jump Ropes
Wednesday 3/4
1:00 each:
Cat cow
Frog to cobra
Lunge flow
Lunge flow (other leg)
Sitting windshield wipers
Arm Circles
Pass-through with PVC
Knee Push Ups
Repeat until end of class:
25 Push ups
25 Banded knee hip thrust
25 shoulder shrugs
25 Single leg hip thrust
25 DB Thruster
25 jumping lunge
25 Banded wall sit abductions
After each exercise do 25m of one of your choice (no back to back of the same):
Bear crawl
Pinch grip carry
Squat broad jump
Overhead carry
Walking Single leg deadlift
Crab crawl
Thursday 3/5
5 Round EMOM
5-10 Cal Bike
5-10 Cal Row
5-10 40’ Shuttle Runs
8×8 :30 on :30 off (3 second negative)
Back squat
Bulgarian Split Squat Left
Bulgarian Split Squat Right
Sumo Squat
Calf raise
Friday 3/6
Repeating for 8 minutes
P1 Row 250m
P2 Light KB swing
P1 150 Jump Ropes
P2 Squat Rock
Partner #1 Does top, Partner #2 Does Bottom. When one partner finishes move to next couplet. Round two switch top and bottom.
40 Thrusters
40 wall balls
40 Thrusters
40 wall balls
15 Toes to bar
30 Sit ups
30 Plate snatches
30 DB snatch
25 DB step up
25 Box jump
20 Ring row
10 Pull up
15 Cal row
15 Cal bike
100m Sled push
100m Sled pull
5 Rope climb
5 Dball over shoulder
Saturday 3/7
Repeat for 10 Minutes:
100m run
5 Burpees
Repeat for 10 Minutes:
50 Russian twist
200m Burden run
Repeat for 10 Minutes:
50 Jumping lunges
200 jump rope/ 400m run
Monday 2/24
400m Run
500m Row
.8 mile Bike
20 rounds (work at same time)
3 Pull ups
6 Push ups
12 Squats
10 rounds
50-100m relays
2 Rounds
P1 40 sit ups
P2 Bent hollow hold
10 round Relay
10 Cal
Tuesday 2/25
Warm up
Repeat for 10 Minutes:
10 KB swing + Goblet squat
20 Jump ropes
20 Arm circles
20 Mountain climbers
Every 2:00 for 5 intervals
25m Bear Crawl
15 DB Thruster
Every 2:00 for 5 intervals
25m Crab crawl
15 DB clean & jerk
Every 2:00 for 5 intervals
25m burpee broadjump
15 DB snatches
Wednesday 2/26
8 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Leg raises
20 Lunges
100m run / 125m row / 200 jump ropes
12 minutes of:
20 DB half turkish get up(L)
Seated single arm overhead press burnout(L)
20 DB half turkish get up(R)
Seated single arm overhead press burnout(R)
5 rounds
12 Barbell step back lunges
400m run
Thursday 2/27
Repeat for 10 minutes:
50m OH walk (L)
50m OH walk (R)
50m Calf raise walk
Butt kickers
High knees
3 laps of skipping
Tabata – :20 on / :10 off x8
30 Second rest between Tabatas
Box Jumps
L-sit or Plank
Partner mile!
Switch every 200m
Friday 2/28
50 Fire hydrant(L)
50 Fire hydrant(R)
50 Kick back(L)
50 Kick back(R)
3 rounds of
25 sit ups
100 jump rope / 200m run
7 rounds
30 Banded knee glute bridge
10 Hanging leg raise
30 Frog pumps
10 Pike compressions
Saturday 2/29
2 rounds each
400m run 40 thrusters (light)
400m run 40 jumping pull ups
400m run 40 KB swings
Monday 2/17
800m run / 1k row / 1.5mile bike
Workout #1
100m lunge
40 V-ups
100m lunge
40 Ninja knee raises
100m lunge
40 Sit ups
100m lunge
40 Russian twist
100m lunge
40 Pillar planks
Cooldown – repeating
200m Jog
50 Jump ropes
250m Row
Tuesday 2/18
Pull heel to butt + calf raise
Pull knee to chest + calf raise
Single leg ground touch
Grapevines (each way)
High knees
200m jog
Workout #1
4 rounds
400m run
25m Burpee broadjump
25 Wall balls
Workout #2
5 Calories
10 Box jumps
50m Farmer carry
Wednesday 2/19
8 Minutes:
200m jog
8 Scap push ups
8 Scap pull ups
Workout #1
Tricep dips
Single arm ring rows ea/s
100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 Jump ropes
Workout #2
Repeating rounds, ascending weight:
10 DB Bench Press
10 DB Bent Over Row
250m row / 200m run / .8mi Bike
Thursday 2/20
Repeating for 5 minutes
P1 Row 250m
P2 Light KB swing
P1 15 relaxed squats
P2 Jump rope
Workout #1 (22min cap)
6 rounds
8 Single arm devils press (ea/s)
200m run
Workout #2
15 minutes:
500m Row Relay
Friday 2/21
Repeat for 10 minutes:
5 KB Swing into goblet squat
10 DB shoulder press (light)
5 Ring rows with 10 sec scap squeeze
10 Squats
20 Jumping jacks
Floater workout 400m sled drag (HEAVY)
10 HEAVY goblet squats
10 Single arm strict press ea/s
5+5 to 30 step ups
2 B-stance deadlift ea/s
Saturday 2/22
Partner style, switch whenever
Ring rows
400m run/500m row/.8 bike
Sit up
KB swing
400m run/500m row/.8 bike
Knee raise
Box jumps
400m run/500m row/.8 bike
DB press
DB snatch
Monday 2/10
10 rounds
3 back squats building to workout weight
Alternating 250 row / 200m run
5 Rounds
8 Back squats
16 Banded hip thrust
8 Step down lunges(ea/s)
Tuesday 2/11
1:00 each:
Cat cow
Frog to cobra
Lunge flow (left)
Lunge flow (right)
Sitting windshield wipers
Toe touches
20 Burpees, start slow and build to fast
Workout #1
Every :30 x 20 (10 min)
Team Calories!
Workout #2
3 rounds of each
P1 200m run
P2 Farmer hold
P1 200m run
P2 Weighted plank
P1 200m run
P2 Glute Bridge hold (add weight if needed)
Wednesday 2/12
3 rounds
20 curl + press
10 second eccentric squat
Skip lap
Workout #1
7 DB snatch
7 Push ups
Max squats(score)
Workout #2
5 rounds
16 Lunge wall balls
8 calories
4 pull ups
Thursday 2/13
Run 400m
Row 500m
Bike .8miles
10 2:00 Stations:
HARD ring rows / Weighted pull up (sets of 3)
1:00 fast row/bike 1:00 recovery
Dball over shoulder
DB bench press (sets of 10)
Med Ball Bench V-up
Seated rope pull(rope standup, rope climb)
High box jumps
Sledge hammers
Jump rope (doubles practice or tricks or just jump roping)
Side plank (switch whenever, try to make it 2 minutes)
Friday 2/14
8 rounds
1 Pull up
2 Push ups
3 Squats
100m Run
Workout #1
Every :15 for 4 minutes
(16 intervals)
6 box jumps
1 minute rest
Every :15 for 4 minutes (16 intervals)
8 DB push press
1 minute rest
Every :15 for 4 minutes (16 intervals)
4 Burpees
1 minute rest
Every :15 for 4 minutes (16 intervals)
6 squat hops
Workout #2
Flutter kicks
Toe touches
Flutter kicks
Toe touches
Saturday 2/15
Workout #1
5 Rounds
2+2 Med ball push up
20ft Dung beetle
2+2 Candle sticks
20ft Dung beetle
Workout #2
:40/:10 x 24 (4 rounds)
Wall sit
Plate Ground to Overhead
Active squat hold
Step ups
Plank (L)
Plank (R)
Monday 2/3
5 minutes of:
5 yoga push ups
5 stripper squats
10 jumping jacks
Workout #1
1:00 each x 5
10 battle rope + 1 burpee
5 H2H KB swing 5 KB squat
Jump rope
DB push press
Box jump
Workout #2
10 DB Floor Press
200m Run
Tuesday 2/4
Samson lunge
Squat & Reach
Inch worms
Side kick & Crossover
Skip 4 laps, each faster than the last
Workout #1
5 rounds
:50 on/ :10 off
Plank hold
Workout #2
Partner workout, 5 rounds each
1:30 clock
7-10 calories
Ab hold remaining time
Workout #3
5 Barbell Glute Bridges
Wednesday 2/5
Warm up
Grapevines (each way)
High knees
200m jog
4 Rounds
400m Run
40 DB Thrusters
8 Rounds
200m Run
20 PP Wall balls
As many rounds as possible in the remaining time:
100m Run
10 KB swings
Thursday 2/6
8 minutes
10 lightweight curls
10 bent rows
10 presses
10 box dips
2 Rounds
7070 (7 down, 0 pause, 7 up, 0 pause)
8 Seated Arnold press
8 Hamma curls
8 Push ups
5 Rounds
12 Weighted pull up
12 Bench press
12 Bent over row
Friday 2/7
8 rounds
1 Pull up
2 Push ups
3 Squats
200m Run
Workout #1
5 rounds
400m run
Agility ladder
5 High box jumps
Workout #2
DB Snatch Ladder (L+R)
100m Run
Saturday 2/8
3 minute stations
5 bodybuilders
5 push ups
1 minute rest
400m burden carry
1 minute rest
500m row
1 minute rest
10 sledge hammers
5 box jumps
1 minute rest
5 pull ups
10 squats
1 minute rest
10 shoulder press
10 abmat situp