Rhino Rumble October 20th, 2018
This year the rhino Rumble will be a Male/Female partner competition. Started in 2014, this competition will again feature an obstacle portion, floater WOD(s), and 3 structured heat WODs!! Prize packages, swag bags, on-site vendors, awesome t-shirts, indoor AIR CONDITIONING in the Las Vegas heat, and spectator friendly areas, this competition has everything you could want! 2 divisions (Rx and Sophomore).
Rx, should be able to:
- 6ft wall, unassisted
- Monkey Bars
- Rope Climb
- Crawl
- Double Unders
- 6/5 ft abmat sit-ups
- Able to Bear Complex 135/95#
- Able to transition 135/95# from Front rack to back and back to front
- Row/Assault Bike/Run
- C2B
- Ability to snatch and Overhead squat with a barbell
- Wall Ball 30/20# 10/9ft
- Thruster 125/85# for multiple reps
- Bar Muscle-ups
- Sled Push/drag 270/180#
- DB Snatch, alt 85/60#
Scaled, should be able to:
- 6 ft wall with a 20” booster
- Cargo net
- 4 ft wall
- Crawl
- Single Unders
- 6/5 ft abmat sit-ups
- Able to Bear Complex 95/55#
- Able to transition 95/55# from Front rack to back and back to front
- Row/Assault Bike/Run
- Hand-release and shoulder tap push-up
- Ring Row
- Ability to snatch and Overhead squat with a barbell
- Wall Ball 14/8# 10/9 ft
- Thruster 85/55# for multiple reps
- Pull-up (1-person)
- Sled Push/drag 180/90#
- DB Snatch, alt 45/30#
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