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“I have been out of shape for 3 years. I donated a kidney and had problem after problem. I ended up gaining a lot of weight. It was hard as a single Mom to find anything I could do and have my daughter with me at the same time” – Rose.

It was tough for Rose to get started at Camp Rhino because she said it seemed super intimidating from the outside, but she said as soon as she walked through the doors she felt at home. Her goal is to complete the Spartan Race in March without stopping. She loves that she can work out at the same time as her daughter and cheer each other on.

I LOVED when Maya (daughter) told me that they threw away all the bad stuff in their house! Check out their last minute interview, I just HAD to introduce them to you after hearing why they joined 🙂 I’m thankful to all our Rhinos for making them feel welcome! We are so glad she scheduled her Free Help Session ( and got started on her journey! If you need to start slow, we have you covered. The first step is just talking to a coach