I didn’t want any of you to miss out on the Virtual Park Bootcamp invite!
Let’s have an adventure! This is going down ONLINE, so you can join me from anywhere in the World, FREEEEEEEEEEEE.
Register at https://www.camprhinogym.com/park to get the group invite!
???? Yes, it’s freeeeee. One of my old Rhinos asked for a ‘video on the basic boot camp’ and it spurred me to have an adventure!
????I will be going live in a special group on Facebook and am inviting you all on a park bootcamp adventure with me…but at your own park!
???? We are starting with a warmup, then getting into the workout. I encourage you to get to a park for the workout! It will be more fun. But, you can do it anywhere there’s space to ROAM.
???? You can put in your headphones and put your phone in a special pocket, or you can hold your phone so you can see the exercises and then set it down as you do them!
???? I’ll be talking you through the exercises and I’ll also have a little tiny selfie stick tripod that I’m going to try to put on the ground every time we are doing exercises so you guys can see what to do.
???? We are doing this together, LIVE ONLINE at whatever park or space you want to workout at.
???? I will be working out virtually along side of you, telling you stories, and bringing people on live with me who are willing to be on camera!
???? I promise I will be out of breath and trying not to pass out right along with you.
???? I promise that if technology goes sideways I’ll try to figure it out and come back online haha.
???? This should be fun! Let’s do it!
And…if you haven’t met our crash of Rhinos yet, come see us at the Rhino gyms!
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