Kids Fitness

Are kids allowed at Camp Rhino?

We love helping families get fit together!
Make sure to read these guidelines on the best way to integrate your family into Camp Rhino

  • Check out the super fun kids and family options available below!
  • Bring your super duper well-behaved children to hang out on the couch while you workout (we know, sometimes it’s hard to get a sitter!)
  • Please make sure your children are not in the workout areas of Camp Rhino unless they have scheduled time with a coach or are in an official kids class. Schedule with a coach HERE
How old does my child have to be to have a membership and workout in the adult classes?
Sometimes teenagers workout with the adults, however, they must go through an on-ramp first with a coach. Usually this means at least one personal training session. Once a coach is able to work with them, we will determine their eligibility for group classes. Schedule their first personal training session here.
KidsFit and Ninja at HQ
$5 Family Classes for Rhino Members HQ

HQ – Warm Springs and Eastern

Sundays 11am-11:30am

Bring your kids of all ages and participate with them in a Family-Fun-Bootcamp! You and your kids will play together, learn together and have fun together! Members only 🙂 Bring $5 cash for each child for the trainer.