We miss your laughter, your high-fives, your ‘Rhino-Toughs,’ your grunts, your groans, your triumphs and your questions! We miss YOU.

We are planning our Rhino Re-Open for the first week of May, because we have always been optimists and we want to be ready just in case the governor gives our amazing State the green light.

We are planning the special Rhino Reunion where Danny is bringing his smoke wagon, which will happen as soon as bigger groups can gather!

Our first goal is to make sure you’re getting what you need. Do you want to come to class the minute we open? Do you want to keep working out at home for a little while? Which class time do you want to come to? We are going to get your input on everything by having you fill out the survey below. This survey will help us, help you get back in the gym when you’re ready! I’ve also detailed our plan below so you know what to expect on the first day back!

Our Plan:
1) Luckily, we have lots of space! So we will be able to help you get the workouts you’re used to getting while staying safely distanced.

2) We will be setting out the equipment for the class in advance so each person in class has their own clean equipment to use 
that is properly spaced away from others in class. 

3) Each person in class will have a spray bottle and fresh towel to clean their equipment after using it so you don’t have to all share the same bottle.

4) We will be helping you RSVP for class in advance on your phone (don’t worry, it’s easy!) so you don’t have to all touch the same kiosk when you come in. This will also help us follow the regulations for Phase 1 of the opening.

5) We have a plan to keep the bathrooms clean and keep everyone safe, but welcome all concerns in the survey below. We want everyone coming to class on our opening day to feel comfortable and happy.

6) I asked politely for no burpees the first week back because we have been doing a lot of at home burpees LOL.

Can’t wait to see everyone!

<3 Julie