Happy-making, mushy internet post alert! When one of our long-time members needs help, their fellow rhinos are THERE. Tuesday night, one of our Rhinos called out for help. 

She has been with us a long time, has survived abuse, cancer and some nasty bad-luck life stuff. Because of surprise injuries that have resulted from the cancer, she had some co-pays that wiped her out financially and gave her many sleepless nights. She just needed a financial reprieve to get back on her feet. She has always been a bright, positive light in our gym. Always helpful, always smiling, and you just KNOW she would give you her last dollar if you asked. She’s that kind of person. 

So, when she reached out, the Rhinos RALLIED. We did a little last-minute Pop-up workout fundraiser and raised $1,812 from 42 rhinos in one day. The donations are still pouring in. More than that, the messages of support and love, even from Rhinos who don’t even KNOW Patti has been amazing. We have done these fundraisers before and each time the support has poured in. 

It hit me all of the sudden how important it is to have a tribe. Many of us in Las Vegas have moved here from other places. It is lonely and scary to be alone. My vision has always been to attract nice people to Camp Rhino. I always jokingly say ‘you don’t have to be cool to be a Rhino, you just have to be nice.’ I like walking into Camp Rhino because everyone there is nice. 

But yesterday, I realized the vision is much, much more than just a happy, nice place to transform. I realized that because I have a Tribe, I feel safe. I know that I have help if I need it, and it feels OH SO GOOD to help others in my Tribe when they need it.

And, how neat is it that everyone in our Tribe is trying to be healthy and the best version of themselves? What better Tribe could we ask for? We aren’t perfect, but we are all trying to be better. Thank you for being part of our Rhino Tribe.